Pelvic Hydrotherapy • V-Steam

  • What is it for?

    V- steams are used for healing and rejuvenation of women’s reproductive health.

    V-steaming may assist with prevention of irregular or painful periods, infertility, uterine fibroids, perineal tears, bladder and yeast infections, ovarian cysts, hemorrhoids, scarring from C-sections, hysterectomies and laparoscopies. It may even increase your libido!

  • The V Steam is an ancient and traditional self-care practice that has been used by women for centuries to heal and tone their pelvis and reproductive organs. A yoni steamer uses soothing organic steaming herbs for a gentle support for women's wellness. The power of the natural herbs is absorbed and circulated into the reproductive system where they help to stimulate healing and nourish your body.

    The warmth of the steam and nourishment from the herbs helps lift your pelvic organs and Qi.

  • How often should I steam?

    As part of an overall self-care regime, we recommend that women steam two to three times per month, always during weeks in which you are not menstruating.

    Consistency is the key!

Pelvic steaming, also known as Yoni steam, Bajos, or Vaginal steams have been used for centuries to ease women’s pelvic ailments.

V-Steaming helps open and balance your Conception Vessel, which is a meridian line in your body where three important yin acupuncture channels converge, located in the perineum area. It's effective in reducing stress, regulating menstrual cycles, improving fertility, soothing and shrinking hemorrhoids, relieving painful menstrual cramps, and balancing and healing your feminine energy. It also helps increase blood flow to the pelvis to heal and rejuvenate.

During the your vaginal steam, you will sit on one of our custom, vaginal steaming chairs that has a cushioned seat with an opening for the steam to do its magic. We use a custom herbal blend just for you!